Supporters Club function in Launceston
The next Brendan Reeves Supporters Club function will take place in Launceston, Tasmania on Saturday, 7 July from 7pm.
To be held at Archer's Manor (Universal Joint Bar, 17 Alanvale Road, Newnham, the night will feature a presentation from Brendan and Rhianon, an auction, raffles and games. Ken Rees, former manager of Petter Solberg and a WRC manager for over ten years, will be the special guest speaker on the night. All money raised will go towards Brendan and Rhianon's 2012 WRC Academy campaign.
Tickets are just $20 for adults, $10 for children or $50 per family (Supporters Club members free) and finger food will be provided. Drinks are available at bar prices.
Don't miss what promises to be a great night and help support Brendan and Rhianon in the quest to win the 2012 WRC Academy. Contact Rhianon on 0419 528 974 or
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to grab your tickets. Download the flyer for further information.